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ABout Neo

The most awesome kid on the planet


Motocross, Enduro, Trial, Karting, Swimming, Downhill skiing, Climbing, BMX, Scoot, Skateboarding

Neo mastered to drive balance bike at the age of 1.5 years and pedaled normal bike without training wheels at the age 2.5. Neo isn’t afraid to try anything new. When Neo was skating first time he hit the ice at least 100 times and said “It went well” after the training.

  • Willpower 101%
  • Skills 100%
  • Focus 100%

BMX & Cycling

Neo started driving normal bike without training wheels at the age of 2.5. He was able to ride 8 miles trip of just one week training. Nowdays he is training on bmx tracks and on the woods trying to do every trick on the book.

Motocross & Trial

Neo started driving his electric trial bike at 2 years old with training wheels. Few months of practice and he mastered the bike without training wheels at the age of 2.5. He allready pulled 15 feet jump at the age of 3.


Neo started Karting at the age of 3.5 years old. Now we are building kick-ass 7kw electric Kart for Neo. Awesome Karting-summer coming 2017. 🙂


Neo started Judo few months before his 4th birthday. Of course Neo started on group over 5-years olds and went straight to advanced group trainings.

Recent NEWS about Neo

Neo covering local Finnish news/media.

Mtv – 10.9.2016

Ylöjärveläinen 3-vuotias Neo on aikamoinen hurjapää. Niin sanotaan monesta muustakin tuon ikäisestä pojasta, mutta harva on sitä oikeasti. Neo Kopakkala on hämmästyttänyt amerikkalaiset motocross-taidoillaan....

Iltasanomat – 10.9.2016

Kolmevuotiaan ylöjärveläisen Neon suosikkiharrastus ei ole ihan perinteisimmistä päästä. Huimapäinen pikkupoika nimittäin ajaa harrastuksekseen sähköistä motocross-pyörää.

Don't Be Shy. Get In Touch With Neo.

If you are interested to support Neo or want your kids to train/play with him, send Neo an inquiry and we will get back to you as soon as we can!

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